Last week, PACE joined a coalition of more than one hundred organizations to support H.R. 3826, the “Electricity Security and Affordability Act,” which provides a more reasonable path forward for EPA’s regulation of greenhouse gases. The letter was sent by the Partnership for a Better Energy Future, whose members represent more than 80% of the national economy.
“H.R. 3826 provides a reasonable path forward for the EPA’s power plant GHG regulations, allowing the agency to regulate while also protecting a diverse energy mix. For new power plants, the bill requires separate standards for coal and gas, with the coal standard subcategorized for coal types and aligned with the best-performing commercially available generation technologies,” the letter explains. “It provides a reasonable path forward for carbon dioxide capture and sequestration (CCS), prohibiting the EPA from mandating its use until the technology has been deployed by at least six units located at different commercial power plants in the United States —in other words, until it is truly ready. Finally, it allows the EPA to craft rules or guidelines for existing power plants, but requires Congress to review them and set a start date before they can take effect.”
Like PACE, the Partnership for a Better Energy Future supports a true ‘all of the above” approach to energy resources that ensures that America’s energy supply remains reliable and affordable. In addition to numerous chambers of commerce and manufacturing groups, the coalition also includes organizations such as the American Farm Bureau Federation, the National Association of Home Builders, the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association, and the Association of American Railroads.