
stories, etc.. posted to the PACE “home” page.

May 2, 2012

PACE Blasts EPA Politics in Houston Chronicle

The Houston Chronicle yesterday published an opinion piece from PACE entitled “Time for the EPA to Stop Putting Politics Before Facts.” An excerpt from that piece appears below. It’s not too often that a government agency compares its own tactics to that of the ancient Romans – especially when it […]
May 9, 2012

Utility MACT Takes Effect

The most expensive energy regulation in the history of the United States quietly took effect on April 16th, as the Environmental Protection Agency’s Utility MACT rule, formally known as Mercury and Air Toxics Standards began its implementation phase. The formal implementation of Utility MACT starts the clock on a three-year […]
June 12, 2012

PACE to Co-Sponsor E3 Summit

PACE is proud to announce that it will serve as a co-sponsor of the E3 Summit, a public event that will focus on Education, Energy, and the Economy, three of the most important issues facing America today. The E3 Summit will be held just outside of Atlanta in Marietta, Georgia, […]
June 21, 2012

Senate Utility MACT Repeal Measure Fails

A repeal measure of Utility MACT put forth by Senator James Inhofe (OK) failed yesterday in the U.S. Senate by a margin of 53-46. The disapproval resolution, SJR 37, would have sent the regulation, deemed to be the most expensive in EPA’s history, back to the agency for a rewrite. […]
June 26, 2012

PACE in National Journal: Time for Wisdom to Prevail

This week, the National Journal asked its group of energy and environment experts whether the EPA should defend, delay, or abolish its current suite of new Clean Air rules. As a response, PACE Executive Director Lance Brown offered the following piece. [View the response online here] EPA’s clean-air rules will […]
July 11, 2012

Power Bills to Rise?

A recent poll of 500 utility executives yielded some interesting predictions about the future of the U.S. power industry. One answer, in particular, should surprise no one who has followed EPA regulatory activity in recent years: power rates are going up. In the survey, conducted by the well-known firm Black […]